The Northern Indian Ocean Killer Whale Alliance (NIOKWA)
Raja & the Whales is a member of the Northern Indian Ocean Killer Whale Alliance.
The Northern Indian Ocean Killer Whale Alliance was founded as part of a collaborative project between Orca Project Sri Lanka, a Citizen Science study of killer whales seen off Sri Lanka, and Wildlife Conservation Society biologist Tim Collins, with the hopes of shedding some light on the lives of killer whales. In addition to coordinating a Photo ID catalogue for the region and developing a general repository of sightings, the alliance was set up with the objective of increasing the number of “eyes and ears” available in the area for killer whale sightings. The NIOKWA predicts that in time this project may reveal some of the secrets of the whales in this region, including insights into their site fidelity, diet, movements between countries, population sizes and maybe even ecotypes.
The full ID-catalog of the killer whales spotted in our region to this date, can be found here.
An article on this project you can find here.